Leon Oswald and Sora Naegino

Leon and Sora

Pairing: Leon Oswald and Sora Naegino
Pairing Name: Leon and Sora 
Status: Unknown
Manga/Anime Series: Kaleido Star
Child/ren: Unknown

Leon Oswald 

Leon Oswald is one of the new artists to join Kaleido Stage in the second season of the series. At first, Leon is just as cold and mean as Layla was before she met Sora, but he is far more aloof than Layla. Later on, he acknowledges Sora's skills and will and become more gentle to her person.

He is an incredible trapeze performer but because of his past performances and dropping of so many partners leading to end their careers, Leon has earned the nickname of "The Grim Reaper". He is also known as "Pegasus of the Stage" which he earned while being the partner to his sister, Sophie Oswald.

Sora Naegino 

Sora Naegino is the heroine of the series Kaleido Star. Originally came from Japan, her dream is to become a true Kaleido Star. She decided to pursue her dreams in America by joining the Kaleido Stage, a circus company located in Cape Mary, California. When she was very young, she saw their production of Alice In Wonderland, which leads to her dream. When both of her parents passed away, she was adopted by her aunt and uncle who at that time were childless. Before going to America, she trained herself well hoping that she will join Kaleido Stage as a member. Sora believes in a conflict-free stage and loves the stage and their audience.

Their Relationship 

Leon was called by Kallos to join the Kaleido Stage after Layla Hamilton's unexpected retirement because of her serious injury while she and Sora performed the Legendary Great Maneuver. Kallos hoped that by having Leon on the stage will make him Sora's next partner. In spite of his infamous reputation in the circus world, he accepted Kallos' offer to expect that he would be able to find his next partner between the two stars of the Kaleido Stage. Much to his disappointment, the more experienced one was the one who retired leaving an amateur star, Sora to continue on stage. Feeling that he was deceived, he lashed out and intentionally insulted Layla's reputation much to Sora's chagrin.

He refused to accept Sora as his stage partner and have continuously disapproved her performances. At their first stage performance together, he left the stage forcing Sora to play both his and her roles. After the Saiyuki performance, Sora was forced to compete against May Wong to become Leon's next partner.

When Leon injured May's arm, Sora thought that she will now have a chance to participate with Leon on the upcoming Circus Festival. But May managed to overcome her injury and became Leon's partner. Surprisingly, Sora together with Yuri Killian also goes to Circus Festival to perform the Angel's Maneuver against Leon and May's Demon Spiral. But while performing at the festival, Sora was so broken-hearted by learning the treachery within the circus world just to be on top. She purposely forfeited on the competition letting Leon and May take the victory.

Feeling defeated and a failure, Sora decided to quit and left Kaleido Stage giving May a chance to become the lead star. She went back to Japan to be with her foster family. While in there, Sora realizes that she wants to become a Kaleido Star without competing and fighting other performers. She hopes she can create a conflict-free stage where the performers and audience will be one at heart.

Coming back at Kaleido Stage with a new hope and path she wanted to take, Sora got Leon's attention. He finally acknowledges Sora's capability and believes she has what it takes to become his true partner. Leon had hoped she will take a chance to stand up against May's challenge since the latter felt she wasn't truly become Leon's partner because of Sora. He later confronted Sora to become his partner and almost gone mad when Sora runs into traffic and he run after her. They both stumbled on the ground and he unknowingly called Sora as "Sophie".

When she once again declined the challenge and chose to work as a backstage staff, Leon took an initiative to take Sora on the stage letting her feelings of being on the stage and audience's happiness. At one instance, she thought she will fall after missing a chance to grab the trapeze she was about to reach when Leon reached out for her hand and gracefully threw her upwards making one of the scenes for the Angel's Maneuver. This strengthens Leon's belief that Sora's the one. After leaving Leon on the stage resulting to his unexpected injury, Sora felt a bit guilty for him. She then realizes that Leon is not as cold as he seems to be.

Kaleido Stage decided to take the Swan Lake in which Leon and Sora will take the lead roles and will perform the Angel's Maneuver. Leon took the lead and train Sora hard to be able to perform the act. As the training continues leaving Sora's feet severely injured, Leon decided that they had enough. Seeing her injuring herself further, he believes that the audience will not notice but Sora insisted that she will not deceive them and continued training by herself.

Seeing Sora's determination and will, Leon continued to train her hard and finally completed their training. Together, they both defeated Yuri and Layla to be able to secure their roles for the upcoming production. At this moment, Leon and Sora finally understand each other and in good terms as partners. Doing the Swan Lake together, Leon has fulfilled his promise to his dead sister and realizes what she truly means about a conflict-free stage. With Sora as his partner, they finally completed the Angel's Maneuver.

Later on the OVA episodes, Leon was seen in a brighter mood than the first time he came on the Kaleido Stage even becoming more gentle on Sora as seen on their performance for the Legend of the Phoenix.

Kaleido Star: Wings of the Future 

Kaleido Star: Wings of the Future is the manga continuation of Kaleido Star. The story now focuses on Sora's younger sister, 16 years old Yume Naegino as she joined the Kaleido Stage in hope that she will be able to find her lost angel.

Apparently, Sora has not come home in Japan for a long time and Yume wondered where her sister is. There are hints that their father knows more about Sora's absence by stating on the earliest chapter that not all children are angels, especially men since one of them have taken one of his angels. This after saying Sora and Yume are his angels.

Rumours within the fan community suggest that at the time of Wings of the Future, Leon and Sora got married and have daughters named Sophie and Angelique. These rumors were never been proved as the series has been discontinued after six chapters.

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